Thursday, July 29, 2010

Be Prepared

It's that time of year again!

The tents have been patched and repaired and set up in the backcountry of our backyard wilderness.The bright orange nylon puptent is one I bought as a kid and spent many a summer's night in, dreaming up all kinds of wilderness adventures. Since it's small and we have the room I'll bring it along as a backup/storage shelter.

The Ozark Country dome tent works perfectly for the two of us and sets up easy. All the fiberglass poles have been replaced with brand new heavier ones, which will stand up to the harsh winds at Lake McConaughy much better.

Junior has been wishing to emulate the Boy Scouts in everything, so we designed our own camp flag with the motto "Nothing Ventured - Nothing Gained." The symbol of the coyote seems very appropriate too. Part of my love for camping in the wilderness is listening to the sounds of all the living creatures in the still of the night and early morning - especially the call of coyotes.

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