Friday, January 30, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Brazen Burros of Custer

The semi wild burros which roam in part of Custer State Park are direct descendents of the animals brought here in the late 1920's to haul tourists to the top of Harney Peak. After the attraction failed in the 1930’s, the burros were loose.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Looks Like Trouble

Bison can run up to 35 mph with stamina exceeding that of a horse, and easily jump over a 6 foot fence with surprising agility for such a hulking beast.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

It's a Prairie Dog World

The P.D. towns of Windcave National Park and Custer State Park are among the best wild and untampered ones you can find anywhere. Visitor's tip: Plan your visits earlier in the day and during the summer months to view them while most active. P.D's nap in their deep burrows during the hot summer afternoons and begin to cut back activity during September in preparation for hibernation which can last to April.