Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wintertime in the Backcountry Backyard

Only after it starts to get real cold do we see the Dark Eyed Junco around this neck of the prairies. There were several feeding together today.

A hungry Black-Capped Chickadee cracking open a sunflower seed. He has to hold it between both feet and hammer away with his beak, feeding is a lot of work!

Switch Grass bending under the relentless artic blast that moved in overnight early Saturday

This clinging bit of Big Sagebrush looks all alone. Last year's unforgiving winter snuffed out all of the other hardy shrubs but this.

What ever happened to that dreamy Indian Summer we were all enjoying this fall?

The old Ponderosa Pine doesn't even notice the artic cold, its just another day as far as this tree's concerned

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