Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cold Weather Camping

Junior's scout pack has a campout planned this month... which means we need to considerably upgrade for an entirely different level, instead of simple summer-time camping. Here's some basics:
  • Over pack, over prepare, and bundle in too many layers, because it's easier to decide to not use it than be miserable that we didn't have enough.
  • Cotton clothing is a no-no, go for polyester and wool fabrics as these will continue to help keep you warm despite your body's persperation.
  • Don't settle for a sleeping bag that isn't at least rated for 15 degrees for your average cold weather camping.
  • Dense foam pads will help keep you from soaking up the cold through the floor when you try to sleep. Air mattresses won't help and merely using mutiple blanket layers underneath (as we do for summer camping) will compress too much to insulate well.
  • Avoid cool drinks, drink coffee or hot cocoa instead

And here's some fairly imformative links:

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