Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Heritage Day

Junior gets to pass through a primary school right-of-passage today by dressing up and living a day in the life of a pioneer school kid in 1800's Nebraska... he skipped the part of getting up at 5am to milk the cows and tend the chickens though, so I don't think it was entirely historically accurate ;)

His lunch pail contained a jelly sandwhich and a ripe apple... no Lunchables for him today!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Junior's Boy Scout Haversack

Junior's likes his canvas Boy Scout No. 573 Haversack that dates back to around the 1950's or 60's (in other words it's had awhile to get thoroughly broken in).

Unlike modern polypropylene, nylon packs, this one is comparatively comfortable for summer hikes since it's fabric "breathes" on your back. The fact that it's still in one piece testifies that sometimes the old-fashioned design was a sound one.